Friday, April 10, 2009

A Dark Day

When I woke up this morning I couldn't help but think about what it must have been like on this day 20 centuries ago in Jerusalem.

Just the day before, Jesus had been tried illegally on trumped up charges by those who feared and hated Him.  He was then beaten mercilessly, most of His skin stripped off by the instruments of torture wielded by the Roman soldiers.

And if that wasn't enough, He was crucified like a common criminal.  And then He died.  Strange things began to happen.  A deep darkness covered the earth for several hours in the middle of the day.  Evil thought it had triumphed and it blanketed the land.  The curtain of the Temple was torn in two.  The earth shook and the rocks split.  Tombs broke open  and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.  (Matthew 27:51,52)  Can you imagine being a citizen of Jerusalem and experiencing these strange things?  Would you be terrified?  Would you be like the Roman centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus and immediately know that Jesus was in fact who He said He was, the Son of God?

Can you imagine being a follower of Jesus, a friend who saw Him on a daily basis?   Can you imagine standing under the cross looking up at your beloved Jesus?  What  they must have been feeling!   Can you feel their despair?   Their anxiety?  The raw grief that gripped their hearts?  Life as they had known it had forever changed.  How could they go on without Him?They couldn't fully understand.    It was beyond  human comprehension.

That evening, Joseph of Arimathea, who had become a disciple of Jesus, asked Pilate for Jesus' body.  He took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock.   Can you imagine how  gently he treated Jesus' precious, broken body as he prepared it for burial.  Then he rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. (Matthew 27:57-60).  But this was not the end.  Stay tuned.


Cindy Sig 2


fuzzytop said...

Amen! It is so hard to comprehend the events of that day, and harder (for me anyway) to comprehend the love that compelled those events...

Blessings to you Cindy!


LisaShaw said...

Walking in one accord with you in your sharing. Praise the LORD!

Stay tune indeed!

Leah Adams said...

I am so thankful this is not the end!! Hallelujah! May God be praised!! Happy Resurrection Day, dear friend! See you in a while.


Sharon said...

Amen! What a great and thought provoking post! THANK YOU FOR THE CROSS, LORD JESUS!!! Happy Resurrecton Weekend!

Lora said...

It seems as if the weather even participated in mourning here Friday with rain and severe storms. It was a dark day indeed for our sweet Lord.

And I praise His Name with you dear one, that *that dark day* was not the end!


Grace on the Narrow Path said...

I remember when I was a very young child, my family and I watched a movie about Jesus's crucifixtion. I was about 4 or 5 years old. I remember not understanding why HE had to die. I also remember feeling as if my heart was breaking. I cried uncontrollable that day. My parents tried their best to fill in the answers to my questions. Of course I know now why HE had to die, but my heart still breaks for HIM. HE endured so much pain and suffering for us. HIS love overwhelms me. Thank God for The Cross! Thank God for our Savior! Thank God HE did not die without cause. We will see HIM again!
God bless you my friend for such a insightful post. Many blessings to you and your dear family.
God bless,