Friday, February 13, 2009

Going Beyond with Priscilla Shirer

Last Friday and Saturday I had the privilege of hearing Priscilla Shirer speak at Roswell Street Baptist Church in Marietta, Ga. She is an incredible speaker and teacher and she is so gracious and approachable. She leaves you wanting more of Jesus.

She gave us the 5 P's of Hearing God Through the Bible which Leah @ The Point detailed here. She also spoke to us from the book of Jonah about the interrupted life. Our Lord loves to interrupt our lives; He doesn't follow our plans. His are so much better! Here are 4 principles from the story of Jonah about how we should respond to life's interruptions:

  1. The interrupted life is the privileged life: God extends an opportunity for us to participate in His plans.

  2. The interrupted life is the significant life: Our search for significance comes when we put aside our own will. He gives us the cure for the search for insignificance.

  3. The interrupted life is the challenging life: All of the power, glory, grandeur and authority of God reside in us. If God gives us a different or difficult challenge, He will equip us.

  4. The interrupted life is an accountable life: He expects us to respond to what He asks us to do.

When we respond in obedience to God we get the following things:

  • We get a second chance. (or third, or fourth, etc.)

  • We get the presence of God to go with us.

  • We get an exceedingly great opportunity.

  • We get divine anointing.

  • When we submit to God we get supernatural results.

We tend to try to humanize God and think that He is a Big us. But He is so much better than us. If you ever have the opportunity to hear Priscilla speak or to do one of her Bible Studies, please take the opportunity to do so. You will be greatly blessed.

Cindy Sig 2


Leah Adams said...

Love the new look!! I just was so fed by Priscilla's messages last weekend. I'm still pondering on all the Lord spoke to us.

Talk to you later on.


Lora said...

I'm thrilled you got to hear Priscilla Shirer - I would love to! And I'm so thankful for second chances Cindy, so thankful.

Blessings to you!