Thursday, December 31, 2009

Second Chances

I wish I had kept an accurate count of the number of people I've heard lately that said, "I can't wait to begin a new year. It has to be better than the last one."

What are your expectations and wishes for this new year? Does it mean a second chance, a fresh start? Do you make New Year's resolutions, only to give up on them by the end of January?

Every new year, actually, every new day is an opportunity to start over. We can begin each day anew with a clean slate. We don't have to wait 365 days until the next new year rolls around for a fresh start or new beginnings (Lamentations 3:22). Our Heavenly Father is the God of second chances. He extends daily an unlimited amount of mercy and grace. Just ask Moses, Jonah, Rahab, David and Peter. Second chances. Or me. He reached down into my pit of sin and plucked me out of the mire. Second chances. He sacrificed His only Son for me. And for you. Second chances.

He pardons our sin and forgives our transgressions. He has compassion on us, treads our sins under His feet and hurls them into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:18). A hymn I remember singing from childhood goes like this, "Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin." Thankfully, God's grace is immensely greater than my sin. Second chances.

This year the only resolution I will make is to live daily in the extensive grace that God lavishes on me. And I will praise Him and thank Him that He is the God of second, third, even hundredth, chances.

I pray that your new year will blessed and that you will know the God of second chances.

Cindy Sig 2

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If God Had a Cell Phone

This afternoon I got a text message from my son. He was just letting me know that he was drinking a bottle of water that had been bottled in our hometown. He was sitting in class and apparently it was less than interesting, thus the compelling need to text me immediately.

Texting is the primary way that my children communicate these days. After Manning's text I started thinking about what it would be like if God had a cell phone. What if your cell phone company offered you a plan with daily texts from God?

If God did have a cell phone, I believe his number would be Jeremiah 33:3. "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." I imagine some of His texts might read like this:

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5

"For I know the plans I have for you" Jeremiah 29:11

"I have loved you with an everlasting love" Jeremiah 31:3. And these are just from the book of Jeremiah!

Fortunately, we can hear from God daily just by picking up our Bible. His Holy Word in its entirety. It addresses every problem that we might encounter. It brings peace and comfort when we are troubled and rest when we are weary. We can go straight to the throne of God with any request or petitions we have.

God is waiting to speak to you daily. Just listen for Him.

Cindy Sig 2