God has been speaking to me about a blog. Up until now, I wasn't sure that I had heard correctly. Because I am not a writer. And what could I have to say that would interest anyone? And I have no idea what I am doing. I could go on and on. But last night in the wee hours of the morning God made it perfectly clear that I was to create a Blog. So here goes.
He has been so good to me. He has never failed me. And I just want everyone to come to know Him and His goodness.
A small group of ladies from my church is doing Stepping UP, a journey through the Psalms of Ascent by Beth Moore. Something in this week's lesson absolutely grabbed hold of me and won't let go. Listen to the following Bible verses that directly follow Jeremiah 29:11 that we all know so well (I know it isn't Psalms, but go with me here):
"You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seekMe and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you"- the Lord's declaration - "and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all thenations and places where I banished you" - the Lord's declaration. "I will restore youto the place I deported you from." (HCSB)
This hit home I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. The word fortunes isn't talking about our monetary fortunes. It is talking about what the enemy has stolen from us. Does anyone else need to hear that the Lord WILL restore what has been taken from us? The NIV says, "and will bring you back from captivity". Hallelujah. The Lord will free us from our enemies captivity. And He will give everything back to us that has been taken as plunder.
Life is Good,